Wednesday, September 12, 2012

✿ September BELLA BOX ✿

✿ So, its that time of the Month Again! ✿

Instead of the usual "Beige-ish" Box...

This month, Its Light Pink!!
( Absolutely LOVE!!)

Let's Get Started!
(More PINK!!)

To be honest, after reading some pretty negative reviews on the September Bella Box, 
I wasn't really excited about it. I was actually hoping they forget to send the box to me. LoL~

But it wasn't THAT bad. 

As usual the Bella Box Description Card
(Out with the Old and In with the New!)

And surprisingly only ONE description card by VICHY. 
(Usually, the Pink envelope is filled with Discount Coupons and such.)

Here is what i got in my Bella box, 

Ther First thing i Noticed was this box..
By Petronille Derma Cosmetics

And i thought it was Make Up (>_<)
But it turned out to be a Day Cream & Anti-oxydent Booster,
packed up in a BOX.. LoL~

*Petronille Day Cream (50ml airless jar/ $68) & Anti- Oxydant Booster (15ml/ $98) :
Offers a 2-step system for stunning hydration and anti-oxydant benefits. The day moisturizer provides you with a base for young, firm skin. The inclusion of the Anti-oxydant booster, repairs your skin with its ultra active ingredients. Customize your skincare: Add one drop of your Anti-oxidant booster to your Essential day cream.

Interesting product. Smells pretty alright.
Pretty fancy with the mixing of booster and cream before applying to face.
Will defiantly give it a try!

Then, i received a
 L'oreal Dermo Expertise White perfect Laser Anti-Spot Brightening Essence
(Phew! That was a Long one..)

 *L'oreal Dermo Expertise White perfect Laser Anti-Spot Brightening Essence ( 30ml/ $39.90)
This is a perfect product for women who are starting to see the first signs of hyper pugmentation (dark spots) on their skin or who have spent long hours under the sun. Dermo-Expertise White perfect Laser prevents new spots from forming as it works to eliminate existing spots over time. Forming as it works to eliminate existing spots over time.

Funny thing is that, i always received this sample from L'oreal, so i have already tried this.
But if you are keen on trying this product, do drop me a comment or e-mail.

I'll give it to you for FREE! ^_^

The next product i received is the
RIMMEL Stay Glossy Lip Gloss
RIMMEL Stay Glossy Lip Gloss ( $16.90)
*Sexy, edgy, trendsetting: these are all the words that define the Rimmel brand whose british past
includes providing perfume to Royalty. They have the chicest supermodel in the world
representing their brand ( Kate Moss) and wearing their products. Try the legendary Rimmel brand
on for size and see if you don't feel some of the impeccably-cool vibe rubbing off on you.

From many September Bella Box reviews, many people were commenting that its manufacturing date was like in 2009. And its product could be used for 24months. And i think they said it was EXPIRED. 
But through my understanding. 24months starts from the time you actually OPEN the product.

Do let me know if i am wrong! 

I tried it on. And it felt alright. No side effect and it is like a slightly coloured lip gloss, so it looks really pretty.

So, the next product is the

*No one goes deeper for a global whitening efficacy. By targeting melanin at its source,
deep within your skin,
and stops its creation biologically, this lotion fights dark spots, dullness and yellowish skin tone.
For all skin types, even sensitive skin!

Just something to take note of, Product is more Liquidy then Lotiony.
Take extra precaution when pouring it out! ^_^

Last but not least~

LIFECELLA ESSENCE SHEET MASK ( $14.95/BOX - 5 Sheets per box)

* Lifecella is a skin and eye care brand whose formulations are specifically made for the concerns of Asian Skin. From anti-aging to dryness to eye- contour, there is a mask formulated for you. Medically researched and tested. The eye priority Mas can be found at our local drug stores: Watsons & Guardian.

You can never go wrong when you give a girl a face mask. ^_^ I think~
Especially when it is in a shape of a "Bear's Face... wahahahahahaha.. 

Super excited to try this mask out.

✿ So that comes to the end of my September Bella Box Review. I am honestly not that disappointed after receiving it. Neither am i like super excited about it. 

I hope it gets better next month ✿


As you know bloggers don't earn anything till they are actually really popular.
If you would like to sign up for the Bella Box, drop me an e-mail at
with your name and e-mail address. And i will send you a Link to sign up with them.

That way i earn POINTS!  ^_^
(Did i mention, you get HUGS for being so nice?) LoL~

Thank you so much for dropping in my blog, See you in my next entry! 

Don't forget to check out my new videos at my Youtube Channel: 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



But before i move on, Just to inform you of my FUCKED INDEX FINGER! >_< 
ARRRRGGGHHH!!! I Jammed it at the door and the nail broke.. BooHooHooo~ 

So, back to the EXCITEMENT!! Wooopeeedooo~ ^_^

So, i participated in a Giveaway on Youtube by KTDollz :
 She is this amazing beauty/fitness guru on Youtube from the beautiful island of Hawaii. And when i was contacted that i WON the giveaway i was MAD Excited!! 

After passing her my details, i was contacted directly by Soufeel Jewelry.
 And they gave me a budget of £100 to select charms and a bracelet from their website. 

With the budget i manage to only pick out 3 Charms and 1 bracelet. 

But.. to my Surprise, 

Here is what i received a couple of days ago in the mail....

Pretty SouFeel Jewelry Packaging! 

Came along with a Jewelry Cleaning Cloth too! 

Here it is!! 

Instead of 3 Charms, they sent me 8 Charms and a Bracelet!! 
<<Super Happily Surprised!!>>

SEE!! So Prettyyyyyy!!  
And so good quality!! OMG!! ^_^

Here are the Charms Given: 

So freaking happy with the prize. 
Can't stop thanking Ktdollz for selecting me as the winner for the giveaway. 
And thanking Soufeel Jewelry for the great jewelry. Pure Happiness!! 

And because i believe in sharing GOOD things!! 

If you are reading this and want to try to get your paws on one of these pretty Charm Bracelets by
 Soufeel Jewelry. 

Click on their link below and enter into their Giveaway. 

The top winner will walk away with a bracelet worth £200!!! 

Till my next blog, Good Luck for the SouFeel Jewelry Giveaway and Keep in touch!! 

Don't forget to Check out and Subscribe to Ktdollz Channel at

And click on the Youtube tab on the right side of my blog 
to check out ALL my NEW videos too!! 

XOXO~ donnajine 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

✿ Magic Science Gel Eyeliner ✿

✿ If you have not already seen my video 

on my make up tutorial/Review on the Magic Science Gel Eyeliner.

Don't forget to check it out when you are done reading this blog entry. 

I was contacted by The Skin Shop and they were kind enough to ask me to 
review their Magic Science Gel Eyeliner. And obviously i got all excited!!

I never really went out and bought any Gel eyeliners before, as i was not too
confident of the application. And texture. Considering the fact that,
I used pencil eyeliners for years and it took me centuries to
master the art of using the liquid eyeliner applicator. LoL~ 

So when they gave me the opportunity, i took it!
And i must say, it does take some practice.. check out how it turned out! 

 Magic Science Gel Eyeliner 

Hot Hot Pink Packaging!

*This is what it looks like~* 

*Right there is where all the product is*

*This is what it looks like inside* 

(Oops! I did used it a little for the tutorial.. ^_^)

*POP! The applicator pops out of the top!*

 *And it sits nicely on top of the cover* 

Now for the application....

*Warning* Naked Face! >_<

*Boo!!! O_O* 
(..Wehehehe.. )

*So i started out pretty slow, as it was my first time..*
Texture was slightly creamy, but much dry then the usual liquid eyeliner i use.
To my surprise, the applicator was quite easy to work with.

*How did i do for my first time?*  >_<

*Here is my finish look~ *

I think it is great! Definitely a MUST try! 
Well pigmented, Waterproof, smudge proof, easy application.
And it's Packed in PINK!!! 

I rate the Magic Science Gel Eye Liner:

What more can you ask for?

.... Oh ya horrrr! 
As a true, blue Singaporean, i know you would ask for a discount
So the Super kind people of The Skin Shop were kind enough
to give you 10% OFF!! 

Don't forget to use my *Coupon Code at the check out!

For a full Review on this product and a Tutorial for my make up. 
Don't forget  to visit my Channel!

*Coupon code: DONNA10 

Enter coupon code at check out and get 10% discount of total purchased amount.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

✿ Girl Friends ✿

They are like comfort food without the calories. 
We turn to them to find ourselves. Especially when we lose ourselves along the way.

Silly how it sounds, But I have always used to think that
i would NEVER meet a bunch of girls that i will grow up with. 
Have so much in common, Laugh like no one is watching, tell you when you look like shit
and mutually understand to always be there for each other no matter what.
To share the best times and the most fucked up times with. 

Till i met these girls..


Through the years, of studying together or working together.
Partying like mad together. Till our feet hurt from all that dancing.
Eating, Shopping, Movies, boys, relationships,even quarrels
Or just sitting at a cafe gossiping our time away.

Other then me, they have all found their better halves and settled down. 

But nothing much has changed since then, 
We are still glad that no matter what, we are always here for each other. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

✿ Quick D.I Y Nail Polish Remover ✿

Hi my beautiful blog viewers!! 

If you have not seen my latest video, "Share! D.I.Y Nail Polish Remover". 
Do check it out when you are done reading this blog entry. 
I promise this will be a quick one. 

But before i start, i would like to say a super, THANK YOU! for dropping by and giving your support. Your view means the world to me. Don't forget to share this Tip with your friends. And share my YouTube Channel and Blog with them too.  And hopefully, sooner then soon we can start a blogger and viewer relationship here. And then we could start a FAMILY.. we could make.. err.. (BLOG + Viewer= "Blo-wer") BLOWER babies?!! YAY!! ^_^  Wakakakakaka.. 
So, I do hope you find this tip useful and entertaining and you come back for MORE!!

Comment below and share your views. Let me know if you tried this too! 

~donna jine 

 ✿ Quick D.I.Y Nail Polish Remover ✿

Have you ever freaked out...
Screaming "FuuUuuuCCCKKkk WHyyyyYyyyyyYYyy Nowwww??!!"

In the middle of clearing away your nail polish..

*BOOMZ* Empty Bottle!!!!

Freak out NO MORE!! 
Here are the TWO items you will need. 

#1: ANY, i repeat ANY Clear nail polish
(I used the Sally Hansen, Hard as Nails, Hardener~ Oh Yessshhh~ because i Like it HARD!!) 

#2: Cotton Pads! 
Not Sanitary Pads or Ipads or Note pads. Cotton Pads! 
Tip: Try NOT to use tissue paper either, it might not clear as well. 

Now, open your bottle of CLEAR nail polish.. And let it drip drop~ drip drop
No no no~ Wehehehehe!! ^_^
Apply a GENEROUS amount onto the nail you want to remove the nail polish from. 

Quickly, using the Cotton Pad. 
Start rubbing off the Nail Polish from the nail.

Oh you need to rub it, and Rub it well~! 

Check and apply MORE clear nail polish and rub to remove further. 
(Especially if you probably put like 3-4coast of nail polish to paint that nail.)

Until, you notice.. 
It's almost gone.. 

Keep Calm & Carry On
Apply and Rub Some more~

Hmmm.. now, who would have thought that 
Base/Top Coat/Nail Harder could be of any other use?

Good Bye Nail Polish!
Thank you Clear Nail Polish! 

WoooOHooooOOoHOoOOoOoOOo~ Magic! 

So, tell me! What do you think?